Our Science Program

Our goal in the Science Department at Queen Creek High School is to provide all students with a comprehensive understanding of science that will give them the skills and experiences that will prepare them for postsecondary education and careers within the field of science. All students need the ability to understand the nature of the world around them to make informed decisions to succeed.

Our science courses include physical science, biology, chemistry, environmental science, botany, anatomy and physiology, and physics. We also offer honors classes in biology, chemistry, and environmental science for students who prepare for a more advanced, rigorous learning experience. Additionally, we offer advanced placement courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental science and a dual enrollment biology course. All of our science courses incorporate a lab-based component allowing students to learn and develop the practical skills needed for postsecondary education and careers within the field of science.

We believe in helping our students learn to be inquisitive and effective problem-solvers. Our expectation is that our courses will not simply help them be successful with the ACT and AzSCI but will generate a lifelong interest and appreciation of science and technology.

Science Mission Statement

The vision and goal of the Queen Creek Science Department is first to support the Queen Creek High School Mission of providing the atmosphere to foster high achievement in a caring environment. We desire to provide students with the ability, knowledge, and technical skills to enable them to succeed in a college or industrial lab setting. We believe in the vital importance of our student's confidence in their ability to use and utilize the science and technology available in our society today and to provide an education and training that inspires a desire for higher education.

Our Teachers and Courses


  • Freshmen - Physical Science, Biology, Honors Biology
  • Sophomores - Biology, Chemistry, Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry
  • Juniors - Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, Botany, Anatomy and Physiology, Honors Anatomy and Physiology, AP Physics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science
  • Seniors - Environmental Science, Botany, Anatomy and Physiology, Honors Anatomy and Physiology, AP Physics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science

Get to know our outstanding science teachers. Find out what makes them so passionate about what they do.

Michelle Anderson
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Nicholas Fruit
Biology/Human Anatomy
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Shaun Hardt
Biology/Physical Science
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Scott Howard
Physical Science
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Matthew Knowlton
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Alan McKinley
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Alexandra Perez
Department Chair/Human Anatomy
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Jenna Rehder
Anatomy/Physiology, Sports Med.
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Raymond Valle
Physics/AP Physics
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Jolie Varholdt
Environmental Science/Anatomy/Physiology
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Laura Winder
AP Chemistry/Honors Chemistry/AP Environmental Science
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